What makes Tremblay's a great place to work is the culture of family and inclusion that marks our proud history.
We welcome new employees into our circle of highly valued people behind the scenes that keep our wheels turning. We recognize that the drivers, mechanics and support staff keep our equipment in top-notch condition and contribute significantly to our success. As we continually strive to raise the bar on our customer services, we understand that it takes dedicated employees to make that happen. If you currently do not hold a school bus or 7D license, no problem! We will train you in our Driver Trainee Program and you can get paid while you learn.
We are a Massachusetts Equal Opportunity Employer
We appreciate your interest in working for Tremblay's Bus. At this time, we currently have the following positions open for employment:
For applications, please come to our main office located at 284 Myrtle Street, New Bedford: Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm, or fill out the application form below:
284 Myrtle Street
New Bedford, MA 02746
Phone 508-999-6436